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The Write Way
A literary love story

To be featured in our upcoming Hall of Mirrors zine publication

Art Series by Gabrielle Samson
To be featured in our upcoming Hall of Mirrors zine publication

Staying Safe
For East Asian Canadians, COVID-19 is only where the danger begins...

An Optimistic Future for the Music Industry
Modern problems require modern solutions. What do technological advancements in the music industry have to offer to up-and-coming artists?

The Festival

Black Lives Matter
Silence is violence. Stand for justice.

Justice for Indigenous women and girls

Fragile Touch
Life is fragile like a flower

Little Prince
Never lose sight of the child within you

Refugee's Journey
See the world through the eyes of another

The beauty of first light

Pop Sugar Skull
A tribute to my Mexican heritage

An Ode to Feelings
A piece confronting anxiety
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