An icy symbol of hope.
Illustration by Jerry Lesperance
Racy Rafique
it’s cold out
but you still insist
on a frozen dessert
we have so much to celebrate
we’re young and in love
your smile grows wider as i enquire
‘what exactly is a frosty?’
you order a vanilla treat
i crinkle my nose
i don’t even have to ask,
you already know what i would like
we sit in your car
i’m eating a chocolate frosty for the first time
my lips are cold
but my cheeks are warm,
flooded with the colour of your love
we overshare in a way that we will one day regret
but in this moment
life is okay
we have so much to celebrate
you have ice cream on your nose
time passes and things change
from time to time
you still look at me with that smile that reaches your eyes
‘let’s get you a chocolate frosty’ you say
like nothing has changed.
vanilla lips meet chocolate
and i can’t help but smile
at all the ways you have shown me the world
starting with a chocolate frosty.